Mr. Rothschild died today in his home in Jerusalem surrounded by his family. He was 101

His funeral will take place Monday, July 18th, from Kehilat Yerushalyim Section of Har HaMinuchot cemetery at 1:00pm Israel time.

Shiva will be observed at the family home: 12 Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael Street, Apartment 6, Jerusalem

During a lifetime spent in the service of Klal Yisrael there is scarcely a Jewish or Zionist organization or institution across Canada or the State of Israel that did not experience the impact and influence of Kurt Rothschild as either a generous supporter, tireless advocate, or both.

Kurt Rothschild fled Germany and came to Canada during World War II as a refugee. He was immediately sent by the Canadian Government to an internment camp and held for a period of time as an enemy alien. Eventually, he and his wife Edith established a home in Montreal, then moved to Toronto with their three children: Lenny, Michael and Naomi.

Kurt Rothschild was a devout Orthodox Jew who proudly and strongly identified with the religious Zionist movement.

Motivated by his deep convictions about the vital need for strong institutions to promote and sustain traditional Jewish life – shuls, day schools, yeshivot, seminaries, summer camps – in Canada and in the young new Jewish state, Mr. Rothschild became active in local and national Jewish communal organizations. He eventually became one of Canada’s most influential Jewish leaders, if not the most tireless and successful fundraisers of all time. Small in stature Kurt Rothschild was recognized and considered an absolute giant in the Jewish Zionist world.

Mr. Rothschild a’h will be remembered for his boundless dedication to the Jewish People and the State of Israel; his love and loyalty to his large and wonderful family and his genuine kindness and humility.

Mizrachi mourns the loss of this great Jewish leader. We extend our sincere condolences to his wife Edith; children Lenny & Esther; Michael & Chani; Naomi & Rabbi Nosson Weiss; as well as to all Kurt’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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