Baby Mazal Tovs galore!

Posted on December 5th, 2022 by SingerB39

Mazal Tov to Rosalind and Bernard Wolfson and Ruth and Moshe Cohn on the birth of a great grandson, born last night in Jerusalem to Gila and Yakov Elkind. Mazal Tov to grandparents Hannah and Yisrael Cohn.  Mazal Tov to Gene and Georgina Rice on the marriage of their granddaughter Penina to Matan Mesheloff. Penina is […]

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Baby Mazal Tovs!

Posted on October 23rd, 2022 by SingerB39

Send me your Mazal Tovs to mention on IsraelB – [email protected] Mazal Tov to: Rav Alex and and Aliza Israel on the birth of a grandson. Levi and Aidel Margolin on the birth of a girl. Rebbetzen Batya (wife of the late Rabbi Shalom Miller) and family Miller on the birth of a son.

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Baby Mazal Tov

Posted on February 6th, 2022 by SingerB39

Big Mazal Tov to Batya and Asher Samuels on the birth of a daughter. Share your good news with IsraelB – send them to me – [email protected]

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Baby Mazal Tov!

Posted on December 26th, 2021 by SingerB39

Mazal Tov to Cheryl and Ilan Liberman Moshel on the birth of a girl, Noa Aria. Send your good news to share on IsraelB – [email protected]

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Baby Mazal Tov!

Posted on September 24th, 2021 by SingerB39

Mazal Tov to Adina Meira and Dario Geisinger on the birth of a boy!

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Baby Mazal Tov

Posted on September 24th, 2021 by SingerB39

Mazal Tov to Zeev and Sarah Brodsky on the birth of a boy.

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Baby Mazal Tov!

Posted on September 18th, 2021 by SingerB39

Mazal Tov to Deb and Kiva Rabinsky on the birth of a boy.

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Baby Mazal Tov!

Posted on September 18th, 2021 by SingerB39

Mazal Tov to Chana and Aryeh Berkley on the birth of their son, Adir Yitshak.

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Baby Mazal Tov!

Posted on September 3rd, 2021 by SingerB39

Mazal Tov to Toby and Richard Carr on the birth of a girl!

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Baby Mazal Tov!

Posted on August 24th, 2021 by SingerB39

Mazal tov to grandparents Rabbi Daniel and Na’amah Roselaar on birth of a grandson! Send your mazal tovs to [email protected]

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