Shabbat Re’eh: Times, Events, Parsha from Brendan

Posted on August 13th, 2020 by SingerB39

Events: 8am -Rav Berzon shiur at the ELC. Times: Shabbat Starts – 6.48 pm Shabbat Ends – 8.01 pm Parsha from Brendan Stern Re’eh – Listen Hear! Behold, I set before you today blessing and curse. Blessing, that you will listen to the commandments of Hashem your God, which I command you today (Devarim 11:26-27). […]

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Jerusalem’s ‘shishi shuk’ – delicious Shabbat food to take away or deliver

Posted on August 13th, 2020 by SingerB39

Shishi Shuk is ready for you this week!Mishmar Ha’Am 5 KatamonWe follow all guidelines of the Ministry of Health 😷 Times: Thursday – 6.30-9.30, Friday – 8.30-4. CLICK on here to WATCH a video about shishi shuk. To order online – CLICK on here. This week we have special cakes from French confectioner Eclair and […]

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Shabbat Zachor: Rav Medan on Motsash, Events, Parsha from Brendan & Times

Posted on March 5th, 2020 by SingerB39

Events: Later Zachor reading – top floor of Katamon Shteiblech at 10pm. pre-Shacharit shiurim at 8am at Eretz Chemdah, ELC and Shir Chadash in Talbiya. Afternoon shiurim at Ramban, Nitzanim and the ELC. Daf Yomi – Hour before Shabbat at Katamon Shteiblech. Motsei Shabbat – Rav Medan – shiur on Purim, top floor of Katamon […]

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Shabbat Terumah: Brendan Stern on parsha, events and times

Posted on February 27th, 2020 by SingerB39

Parsha from Brendan Terumah – Give and Take “Speak to the children of Israel, and have them take for Me a donation…” (Shemot 25:2) Parshat Terumah begins with a call issued to donate materials for the construction of the Mishkan. One would have expected the directive to be worded in terms of giving, yet the […]

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Shabbat Mishpatim: Events, Parsha – Rav Alex & Brendan,Times

Posted on February 20th, 2020 by SingerB39

Parsha from Rav Alex Israel & Brendan Stern Rav Alex: Choosing Slavery “…Nothing is more unbearable, once one has it, than freedom.” (James Baldwin) Our parsha opens with the Jewish Slave:“He shall serve six years; in the seventh year he shall go free.”In other words, the Torah wants people to be free, not enslaved.But then, […]

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Shabbat Yitro: Ayelet Shaked in town, Events, Parsha, Times

Posted on February 14th, 2020 by SingerB39

Ayelet Shaked is in town this Shabbat – CLICK on here for details. Also Idit Silman – details below. Times: Shabbat In at 4.48, Out at 6.02. Parsha from Rav Alex Israel: “Do not Covet”Sounds like it was a command for a different age. And yet, I think it has some important contemporary messaging. Today […]

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Shabbat BeShalach: Snow? Rav Alex & Brendan on Parsha, Events and Times

Posted on February 6th, 2020 by SingerB39

Will there be snow over Shabbat? Well, the forecast is for snow up North – there maybe snow on motsei shabbat, Sunday in Gush Etzion. There will be certainly be wintery weather in Yerushalayim, but no snow over Shabbat. There is a greater chance of snow in Yerushalayim on Tuesday – It will certainly be […]

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Shabbat Vaeyra: Parsha from Rav Alex & Brendan, Events and Times

Posted on January 23rd, 2020 by SingerB39

Parsha – Rav Alex & Brendan Rav Alex: Choices, Freedom and Hard Hearts “Sometimes a person begins to act in a certain way, building his or her life around particular decisions, certain lifestyle choices. After a while, the cumulative effect of those decisions, the momentum of his current position, is too great for him to […]

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Shabbat Shemot: Parsha from Brendan, Times and Events

Posted on January 16th, 2020 by SingerB39

Parsha from Brendan Stern: Shemot – Moshe’s ‘Identity Crisis’ “[Moshe] saw an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew man, one of his brethren. He turned this way and that way (vayifen koh va’choh), and saw that there was no man (vayar ki ein ish); so he struck the Egyptian and hid him in the sand (Shemot […]

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Shabbat Vayigash: Rav Alex & Brendan on Parsha, Happenings & Times

Posted on January 3rd, 2020 by SingerB39

Parsha from Rav Alex and Brendan Joseph … cried out, “Have everyone withdraw from me!” There was no one else about when Joseph made himself known to his brothers. (45:1-2) Why did Joseph need everyone to leave? Why did he want this moment to be private one between himself and his brothers? “He could not […]

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