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Arieh Zarum z”l

We are sad to announce the passing of Arieh Zarum z”l, husband of Gitta, father to Lonnie and Raphael, and Deganit Glick z”l.

The funeral will be at 10am, Friday 4 February 2022, at Eretz HaChayim Cemetery, near Bet Shemesh, Israel.

The family will be sitting shiva as follows: From motzei shabbat 5th Feb to Monday evening 7th Feb, with Ma’ariv on Sun & Mon at 8pm, at 3 Asirey Tsiyon, Apt 1, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel (off Kibbutz Galyiot) F

rom Tuesday 8th Feb to Thurs morning 10th Feb, Shacharit on Wed, Thurs at 7:15am and Ma’ariv on Tues, Wed, at 8pm at 13 Mountfield Road, London, N3 3ND, UK

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